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Time management should be one of the qualities that you should take very seriously if you are looking to effectively care for yourself.  It’s necessary to the successful implementation of your self-care for wholistic wellness regimen.  It’s rightly said that a person who does not respect time does not respect his or her own self.  With this being noted, it’s important to mention that all should be put into perspective and made harmonious.   Today, parents go all out to inculcate the values of time management in their children so that they can grow up to be better individuals who can gain respect in society.


How would one define time management actually? Is it about making a timetable and abiding by it? Or is it about allotting a specific time to do your daily tasks? Or is it about separating time for work, play, food and everything else that a human needs to do?


If you put it simply, time management is all about scheduling your tasks in any way that ensures their accomplishment. It does not matter how much time you allot to your tasks; the main thing is that you should be able to accomplish everything that you take up. There should be no wastefulness of time. Even entertainment and recreation—two very important human necessities—should be accounted for. When a person masters the art of doing that, they can be considered good time managers.


Another important quality that people must have that dovetails with time management is prioritization. We take up various tasks, and we already have so many different things to do throughout the day. However, our time resources are limited. That is why prioritization becomes important. This ensures that we accomplish the most important tasks first. Which are the more important tasks? The tasks on which the fulfillment of other tasks are related—those are the ones that need to be prioritized.  When you learn to prioritize, you automatically manage your time in a better way.


So, whether you are a housewife or you are the president of a country, it is quite essential that you learn to value time. Time is a finite resource that we have—it is our utmost responsibility to make the most of every second that we have and use it fruitfully for some kind of advancement, either our own or of the people and things we care for and love.


Now, is the time for you to take time for yourself.  Because you deserve it and your wholistic well-being depends on it.  Our Self Declaration Ritual can assist you in claiming that well deserved time for self care.  Check it out, here.